Do you want to be the best option?

Do you want to be the best option? How many compete or claim to be the best option? Many. Because? Simple, because being “the best option” is very subjective. What does it mean to be the best option? The best option in finishes? The best option in profitability? The best option in service? In after-sales? Better after-sales surveys? Is it a compendium of all? Can you be the best option in all categories? Being the best option is a very hackneyed advertising slogan. Basically used to attract the attention of the general public and have the opportunity, within the mundane noise in which we are installed, to capture their attention in order to explain the benefits of what a brand offers.

Our philosophy goes through a much more sincere context, one to one, because we know that Skybubbles are a basically rational sales product and that the leap from falling in love with our concept (very easy) to betting on it and putting all the effort into there is a distance to the grill. This step involves detecting the opportunity and analyzing the viability of the business to make an investment seeking maximum profitability. Obviously, we always think that our option within the luxury market is a winner, but the main thing is to be able to demonstrate, based on years of experience in different international markets, that whoever bets on us also wins.

When we set ourselves the challenge of “planting Skybubbles” around the world, we were clear that we had to start at the beginning, and the beginning is you, who are reading this article, who want to start a business based on a luxury resort and have certain experience in the world of hotels and/or restaurants. Or you who run a luxury hotel or hotel chain and know that your client decides on the details, that differentiating yourself when you already have the best is difficult because others usually have it too and that finding something differentiating is key to attracting, retaining and provide innovative experiences without giving up comfort.

Once we discovered you, we developed the four key messages that we wanted you to be clear about. You will see that they are absolutely in accordance with everything we do:

1) Profitability
The business graveyard is full of great ideas poorly executed. Therefore, after years and presence on all continents, we gathered courage and decided to collect data from our clients and provide real statistics and averages of the return and occupancy of our Skybubbles: 68% intraweek occupancy and 93% weekly On weekends, an average ticket higher than 30% of that of a stay in a 5-star hotel. This gives a return on investment for Skybubble between 8 to 14 months from its commercialization.
2) Differentiation
Our value proposition goes through the axes that define our concept: innovation will allow you to offer something innovative to your clients, comfort is non-negotiable, we know that your client is demanding, the most! Therefore, providing something new does not mean giving up the high standard of comfort to which you are accustomed. With innovation there is attraction, with comfort we gain repetition. Finally, we add the natural environment into the equation, which is what makes the experience unique. Being able to be in a Skybubble means being the closest you have probably ever been to the natural environment in a luxury stay. If innovation is the attraction and comfort is the repetition of the experience, nature is what will provide you with a recommendation.
3) Processes
Being by your side helping you make important decisions such as the best location and general mapping of your project with Skybubbles, and guaranteeing a delivery and assembly plan that allows you to make your business profitable as soon as possible, in our case it goes from promise to commitment. Being next to those who trust us, visualizing and seeing how their project is born and evolves, nourishing them with our previous experience is an advantage that only we are capable of offering.
4) After-sales
Once you trust us, you have someone who is always responsible for your product, seeks to optimize it at all times and will help you resolve any incident that may arise. Behind Skybubbles is a team of specialists in concept creation, assembly and product knowledge. It’s not just the product, it’s the people behind it that make it even more special.


The best choice? That’s up to you to decide. As they said in that famous dishwasher spot: “Search, compare and if you find something better, buy it”… For our part, we are ready for you to compare us with anyone and answer all the questions you may have.

If you’ve made it this far, you’re taking too long to call us!