Time is Relative and experiences are what you remember

Einstein said that time is relative, I would add that it always leaves a dent in the markets and their trends. Over time, consumer trends change at the same pace as societies do.
I have always said that if I could choose to be the marketing director of a company at a given time in history, I would choose the hippie 70s, not because I had anything for or against it, but because of what the accumulation of factors revealed; millions of people who agreed to exemplify ideals and a way of understanding life, how to dress, wear shoes, comb their hair, what music to listen to, what events to attend… If you studied the “target” well, you had many chances of launching a product that might be liked. and you could afford that dough, and if you managed it… Bingo! Not because of results (that too) but because of the simplicity of the market study and the ease of testing if it worked without taking very high risks.

Today everything is more complicated (and exciting!), not even exit polls turn out well because people lie, we know that we are somehow part of social groups, since we tend to unite and live with those who are similar. to us, but we guard and protect our individuality and our authenticity like gold on cloth and we defend it tooth and nail. Go out on the street today and ask someone “What urban tribe do you think you belong to?” It is little less than nonsense and just 30 years ago it was not.

In the world of luxury stays, exactly the same thing happens, generations pass and with them the consumption trend changes, what for some was essential for the next is usually outdated and it is very difficult to classify and establish collective trends. But you can do it.

To make a classification and understand generational trends, since we inevitably tend to do so to try to order the chaos, we have distinguished and are now experiencing the passing of the baton from the boomers or baby-boomers to the millennials. We could classify millennials as those who were born after the year 80. If you were born before, do not feel offended and repeat the mantra that age is a matter of attitude. If you do it 10 times, “chip chap cured” (there is a phrase more boomer are you?)

Todd Wynne-Parry, director of Horwath Hotel

“The importance of experience over material things continues to drive luxury brands”
This change has not been trivial and we observe from the brands and we strive to adapt to a reality that we did not imagine recently that trends have taken a significant turn, going from “having” to living.” Columnist Todd Wynne-Parry, director of Horwath Hotel, one of the most prestigious hotel, tourism and leisure consultancies, describes it perfectly in the digital magazine Hotelmanagement.net: “The importance of experience over material things continues to drive brands. deluxe.” That is what, both for brands aimed at the general public and for brands that supply other brands, has forced them to take a turn that involves empathizing with a generation that understands that once you disappear, you will surely not take with you what you have bought and saved. and, on the other hand, no one takes away what you have experienced. We will more or less agree, but whoever ends up setting the rules is usually the one who pays.

That is what obsesses us and we believe we should be obsessed, because at Skybubbles we know that our clients want to provide a unique experience to their guests and that is largely a responsibility that falls on us, since it is our clients who choose us to provide a unique experience through our stays to those who choose them. And that involves empathizing and understanding not only what our client is looking for when choosing us but also what our client’s client is looking for because our mission in the end is to make it as easy as possible for them.

Empathizing means studying, understanding and, above all, feeling as the other does and our studies indicate that we have gone from a guest profile that until today has valued and understood luxury in a specific way to another profile that understands that concept in a different way. Mind you, not diametrically different but different… And this is about adapting or dying. Referring to the same article mentioned above, Todd Wynne-Parry states “The concept of luxury for older generations focused on luxurious levels of service, exclusive restaurants serving haute cuisine and relaxing music in the elevators. On the contrary, millennials place greater importance on an accessible service style, inclusive public areas to see and be seen and artisanal cafes with tables set and shared.” That is to say, luxury as a concept resides in the mind of the person who experiences it and obviously, generation after generation it mutates.

To achieve this, at Skybubbles we have been working conscientiously on the “unique experience” concept, seeking to ensure that our stays complement an experience that the guest can only experience by choosing one of our clients, being aware that we have the obligation to be part of it. We do not experience it as a slab but as a challenge.

It’s in our DNA; nature, comfort and innovation. If we do not innovate we will not distinguish ourselves from the many who bet “only” on the first two, and to do so we are installing ourselves in a mentality of continuous improvement continually asking and questioning ourselves what we can do to provide something different and better than what we have already offered. , we could say that our main rival is ourselves and it does not allow us to relax.

From this process are born the different Skybubbles models, the different types of bathrooms, accessories, decorations and even the possibility of personalizing our rooms with the help of our client, co-creation, creativity and technique united to adapt and even anticipate the quality standards of millennials and their perception of luxury.